Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Question of the Day

How has technology changed the way people prepare for and celebrate holidays?

honestly technology has not changed the any body prepare for the holidays, people still go by tradition. What ever way people prep for the holidays nine times out of ten they still use those same methods now. technology should wait to try and move the old traditions out of the way, and wait until its time for it. 

Question of the Day

How much homework should teachers give during a vacation?  Why?

will all do respect teachers shouldn't give out any homework during a vacation, reasons being that when there is vacations away from school that is bonding time between kids and there family. no work should be the reason for them not to spend time together.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Question of the Day

How does technology affect the thinking patterns of the teenagers of today?

technology affects the thinking patterns of teenagers today because of the way other teens get influenced by others teens and want to start repeating things that teens do on the computer or in person, whether good or bad.

Question of the Day

What do you think is the greatest problems facing the teenagers of today?

the greatest problems and struggles that teenagers go though today are lack of education, resulting in young teens being left with very little opportunity and will have the urge to commit crime in the society.
also there are no other programs or support systems set to assist the younger generations needs any more. 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Question of the Day

How old do you think someone should be before they are allowed to create a Facebook account?  Why?

A person should be of age to create a facebook or any other computer chat account, a appropriate age to create an online account should be 13 yrs. or older. No young kid should be allowed to create an account with out being those ages.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Question of the Day

How old do you think someone should be before they are allowed to play violent video games?  Should parents buy violent video games for minors? Why?

The proper age of consuming violent video games should be 12 yrs. old, i say that because that is a proper age for playing games of violence and still have an mature outlook on life. parents shouldn't buy violent games for their kids under the of 12yrs. but they will do it anyway just for the comfort of their child.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Question of the Day

Should stores sell violent video games to minors? 

violent games are going to be sold in stores around the world no matter what, whether its to minors or teens. in some situations you'll have parents buying those type of games for there children regardless, as a gift or just to spoil them and keep them quiet.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Question of the Day

How much should parents in general know about their teenagers’ life online? Why?

parents should know enough information about their child's life on the internet for safety reason and adult supervision. it is important parents know because children now and days get easily influenced by the wrong things quick. 

Question of the Day

Do you have a smartphone or other device on which to download apps? What are your favorites? Why? Even if you don’t have one of these devices, what apps seem most entertaining, useful or valuable?

yes I do have a smartphone in which I download apps, my favorite apps are kik: messenger, Pandora, and certain games apps aswell those are my favorite because they fit my liking. even if I didn't have a smartpone an appthat would useful otherwise is engrade.

Question of the Day

How are your own teachers using technology? Does it help you learn? Do you have any suggestions for ways that your school can better use technology to promote learning and class participation?

my teachers use technology now and days to record attendance for each student, project classwork on projection screen, and read along with students on books for the semester, it helps me and others learn in more ways then one.  

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Question of the Day

How do you think your life would be different without the Internet?
How do you think your life would be different without Computers?  

My life without the internet wold be like a cave man in todays society. 
my life without a computer wouldn't really be that different because i wasn't born in this world with the urge to have or use an computer.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think people are more likely to review a product they like or a product they dislike?  Why?

i think that a person will most likely to review a product that they dislike more than a product that that do lie because to them it would be easier to state all of the dislikes about that particular product.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Question of the Day

How has Black Friday and Cyber-Monday changed to way people shop for the holidays?  Do you think this is a good thing? 

black friday has changed the way people shop because now and days people save more money and time shopping for the things they desire. Dropping prices on high tech electronics and summing it all up into one day, makes it exciting as well.

Question of the Day

What do you think is the purpose of product reviews?
Do you think that product reviews from professionals are better than reviews from consumers?

I think the purpose for product reviews is to judge the production of film. And NO i do not think that product reviews are better than reviews from the consumers because its the viewers choice judgment that matters the most, with out it how will you know that your product is acceptable or not.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Podcast Evaluation

Evaluate your project today(200 points).  Title your post Podcast Evaluation.  Write a three paragraph evaluation that answers all the questions below about your project.

My  project informs others by letting them know how Microsoft was started and how it plays it role in our lives today, the information that was gathered is used appropriately in a well put together keynote presentation, very important pieces of information is stated in the presentation. The project does satisfy the requirements that were requested, the info stated in the project gives concrete information. What i can do to make my project better is to get help from the finest accessories from keynote, And yes i have done the best that i could on making this presentation presentable for other viewers.      

Monday, November 22, 2010

Question of the Day

Can Cellphones be Educational tools?

Cellphones can be used as an educational tool  by helping students out with their major subjects in class, also they can help do research in an timely manner, if students have to use it to do tests, or quizzes.

Question of the Day

What is the one technology or technology gadget that you are thankful for? Why?

the technology gadget that im most thankful for is the computer because what out it there would be not another device that would be more amusing or capable of completing the task that a computer would, hands down there's no comparison.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Question of the Day

Do your Test Scores Reflect How Good Your Teachers Are? Explain your answer?

Do i think that my test scores reflect how good my teachers are, i would say NO because depending on how your overall behavior is in that teachers class is, that would have more affect on how good your test scores would come out, so it means that being focused on getting good grades is more important then worrying about how the teachers act towards you.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Question of the Day

Why is music faded in and out when making a movie project in GarageBand?  How does this effect the project?

 Music is faded in and out in making a movie to enhance the feel of the film it would also add an more profound look and keep the viewers attention.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Question of the Day

You wouldn’t want someone stealing your hard work, intentionally or even unintentionally, would you? Of course not. Why?

reasons being that i wouldn't want someone else stealing my hard work is because its my work and i worked hard to complete it so why would someone knuckle head want to steal it. get your own.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think teenagers today should show more respect for adults? (teachers, parents etc)  Do you think it important for teenagers to show respect for adults?  Why?

teenagers should show most adults respect because simply they have experience in how to do certain things, they can give you very important pieces of information. some adults still act  as tho they are still teens themselves so they act just like who they choose to hang around.  all in all teens have a lot of growing to do. but with the help of an mature adult it would probably maker things a little bit easier.

Question of the Day

The way someone tells a joke is as important as the joke itself. This is comic timing.  How is this timing related to the way you present the information in your project?  Is the timing of your presentation important?  Can the timing enhance your presentation?  Defend your answer.

The way this timing is related to the way we would present our presentations is clear , loud speaking, give information that catches the crowds attention. the timing from our presentation is important. the timing can enhance your presentation by the facts stated in sentence one.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more work? Why?

I feel as though if robots will cause unemployment in the future because in today's society that's why there are jobs cuts, because big corporate companies are cutting actual humans from work and replacing them with robots or computer help. that is unfair to us humans that actually went to school to learn some of these things, being denied or fried from an job.

Question of the Day

What do you think is the difference between the Internet and cable/satellite TV?  How are these similar?  Do you think that these and other technologies will converge?

The difference between the internet and the cable is that the internet is a cyber surfing portal that makes you look up and do research on what ever category u want, cable is imported from the signal we get get from satellites it helps televisions and radio's broadcast information for our daily lives. 

Question of the Day

What do you think is the purpose of Copyright?  Why is Copyright a good thing?

Copyright is an good thing because it helps you. The purpose of copyright is to .

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Question of the Day

What do you think the potential problems are with giving or sharing personal login information?  When do you think it is okay to share this information?  Why? 

Sharing personal login information is not a good idea for anyone, if you dont want your personal bussiness to be broadcast  all over.

Question of the Day

Some web sites hold very dangerous information, for example how to make a bomb. How can we control these Web sites?some websites do produce dangerous and unnecessary information, what we can do to control these websites is post something on the page that are fake and dangerous and tell people that it is a fake website.

Question of the Day

What do you think about people who say unkind things to others using a computer?  How would you feel if someone said something mean to you on the telephone, in an email, or in an online discussion? Is there a difference between the telephone and the computer?

I that people who say mean things to others on the computer are not good people, people that say mean things to people on the phone are not good people either, they should find better things to do with there lives.

Question of the Day

What do you think you should include or not include in your online profile (Google Profile) for this class?

I don't think that i should include my Google profile for this class i think i should be assigned one because my personal account should not be a factor used in my school life if its mandatory them so be it

Question of the Day

Do you understand information that you read or information that you hear better? Why do you think this is so?

I think information that i hear, i have a better understanding,because if i were to read something i would still need someone to explain it back to me!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Question of the Day

Why do you think reading comprehension is so important?  what can you do to improve your Reading Comprehension?

i think reading comprehension is important because with out reading it would be very hard for an individual to understand what they are reading and its a way  helping up out in school in all of your subjects, what u can do to improve your reading comprehension is practice how to read more and you will have a better outlook on things.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think the Internet is making people more impatient? Are we becoming a society were we all want instant satisfaction?  

I disagree with the question because now in days the internet in designing more quick and efficient ways to browse the web at much faster speeds then years ago. Being that that the computer plays an important role in modern day society, people do need a computer that is performing to its best in order to get things done for any occasion.   

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think that some people spend too much time on the Internet and does this stop them from seeing their friends? Why?

I do think that some people spend too much time on the internet, by logging on to there personal sites like Facebook, Myspace, twitter and etc. Also web surfing at times can be time consuming, but to those that have a purpose  on the internet there more aware of how much time they spend on the computer.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Question of the Day

Why do you think information literacy is important to you?  How will you use information literacy skills now and in the future?

Information literacy  is important now and will be important forever because with out it how would people be able to read or comprehend to languages if they were to ever want to hold conversations with people. let alone read or write properly, so yes, information literacy is important to us as people because that is our way to communicate and correspond with each other.

Question of the Day

Do you think robots will cause unemployment (loss of jobs) in the future or make more work? Why?

I feel as though if robots will cause unemployment in the future because in today's society that's why there are jobs cuts, because big corporate companies are cutting actual humans from work and replacing them with robots or computer help. that is unfair to us humans that actually went to school to learn some of these things, being denied or fried from an job.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think that a parents should spy on their kid's online life?  Is this good parenting or an invasion of privacy?

I do not think that parents should not spy on their kids online life, because they would be disappointed about what kind of conversations that there children hold  on the web, children may think there conversations online are private but modern day technology has it to where all users accounts can be hacked.


Question of the Day

Do you work better when it is quiet or you are listening to music? If so what type of music is the best for learning?  Does the music help to relax, inspire you or is it just a distraction?

I would say i work better when it is quiet in the room because having a noisy background is very distracting, i work better and faster in an area with quiet surroundings because your more focused on your tasks that have to be done. listening to music while working is sometimes relaxing but not all the time.  

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Question of the Day

What is the advantage of email updates of the latest Google results of information based on your name?

Question of the Day

Would you speak up if you saw someone being bullied online?  Why or why not?  Would you speak up if you saw someone being bullied in school?  Why or why not?

would i speak up if i saw someone getting bullied online1, no because, in some  cases others peoples conversation does not have anything to do with me, also cyber bulling does not have as much affect as if  it was in person. would i speak up if i saw someone getting bullied in school! no, because that would be a job for the schools faculty members to handle a situation like that.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Question of the Day

1.) What is the topic of your project? Why did you pick this topic?What my topic of my project is what is Microsoft, I picked this topic because i want to find out who the inventor is and why did they invent it

2.) What is your real personal interest in the topic?

3.) What do you specifically want to learn about my topic? (Don't overwhelm yourself with too many things. Two or three are plenty.)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Question of the Day

What is your research topic?  Write 5 questions you have about your topic?

My research topic is How do computers work, 
- Whats the Problem ?
- How do i find out ?
- What have i got ?
- What is important ?
- How does it fit together ?
- What have i learned ?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Question of the Day

Why is it important to make sure you understand your task before you attempt to complete it?

it is important to understand a task before you attempt to complete it is because you may start something like a project or something and you may get so into a project and get finished with it, all for someone to tell you its wrong or not done properly. tats why it is important to understand it before you start a task.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Question of the Day

How do you know if the information you find on line is accurate and truthful? 

Being that u see the information on the web doesn't mean that  it is always accurate or truthful and also every bit of information see that you interpret most times has already been fabricated t the point were you awesome its the truth and you take it and run with it. Don't always believe what you may hear at first, if you really wont to know the truth, you should do research yourself.

Question of the Day

How do yo think Delicious can help you find what is hot on the web?

i think Delicious would help you find whats hot on the web because its in modern day technology and now and days technicians make all web apps fun for everybody and some what easier to handle, so you wouldn't have a difficult time surfing the web.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Question of the Day

Do you think that social networks appropriate resources for use in education? What are appropriate resources and where can they be found?

 I agree that the social networks are appropriate for thee resources used in education today because as we progress as an economy so does technology. But technology progresses way faster than the human society, because we somewhat need the help from its unique purpose serving. 

Question of the Day

Do you think that you can believe everything on the Internet?  Why?

I refuse to believe any nonsense that is posted on the internet with out the proper publishing from an real website

Question of the Day

How do you use words (tags) to help you to organize and remember things? 

The way I use tags is I label every important thing that has to remembered in a nice organized section so therefore there should be no reason it gets mixed up with other things.

Question of the Day

How do you feel when someone takes credit for something you said or did?  Is this an acceptable thing to do?

What i feel when someone takes credit for something i said or did is anger, because if i took the time out to come up with something like that, it should nothing for you to do the same. And besides now and days its a felony to plegurize someone else's work.